Baby Tracker

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Countdown Begins - Week 31 or 33 - You Decide

Week 30 / Day 5
Day 214
66 more days to go
per BabyBump app


Week 32 / Day 5
Day 230

So, had my doc apt yesterday.  Sono now shows little bebe is 16 days bigger in measurements. Estimated weight is 4 lbs 8 oz.

So according to my cycle due date, I am about to begin week 31 and according to my sono due date, I am about to begin week 33.

Everything looks good as of now.

Little monkey has turned breech again and I can definitely tell.  Atleast he is still moving around and he has plenty of time to turn back (hopefully!).  He goes from up to down frequently lately, so hopefully he will settle into the down position soon and stay there.  When he's breech like this, it's causing me sooooooo much pain.  I have been in tears most of the day with how much pressure his head is putting on my ribs and how my back feels when he is in this position.  As if it's not uncomfortable enough, but when he's in this position, I am in a lot of pain.  If I end up having a c-section, I am ok and coming to terms with it.  Although it's not ideal and I would prefer a vaginal birth, I know that it is out of my control and I have to be open to the possibility if he doesn't turn or if he does end up too big, a c-section may have to be the only option.

Literally it feels like my belly has grown outward several inches just overnight.  There is a major visible difference in my belly from yesterday to today.

I have two baby showers coming up - one on Friday and the next one the following Saturday.  My family is about to be out of town for a little over a week and I'm just praying that this little poot hangs on for atleast another month.  I have to get busy on my spring cleaning project this weekend and try and finish as much as I can because at this point, I think I need to start getting prepared.  My energy level is starting to drop and I can feel myself getting super sleepy and lethargic again.

Plus the sleepless nights are even more so.  It's soooooo hard to sleep and stay comfortable in one position now.

I've gained a total of 40 lbs as of yesterday.  Oy.  But again, I'm not stressing out about it much anymore.  I'm trying to maintain as well as I can and I'll deal with losing it all plus some after he makes his appearance Earthside.

These are photos from today.  I honestly dislike looking at myself in the mirror or in photos at the moment....but I just have to keep remembering I'm growing a little human inside of me and the miracle it truly is.

This first one, I have definitely had to scoot back from my work desk since yesterday and lean back even further while pulling my keyboard closer to me.  What a crazy feeling!

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